What Are The SEO Trends Set To Take Place In 2016?

Developments In Search Engine Marketing


The year 2016 is set to bring many changes to SEO strategy as experts in search engine optimization expect several changes that change the way they do search engine marketing. Many of these trends are simply building on trends that have already started in previous years, for example, one of the SEO trends of 2016 is the refinement of the local SEO search. Google's algorithms are becoming even more sophisticated and popularity of wearable devices means that local searches are set to be more refined than in previous years. Therefore, instead of having local searches by state and city, we might be having searches based on neighborhood and street.


Apps are going to be an important part of SEO marketing and SEO experts who are not familiar with the process of indexing apps should become more familiar with them. Apps are extremely popular and are soon set to take over websites in term of popularity amongst users, this is because apps make it more convenient than ever before to order products and services. Therefore, SEO technicians have to start indexing apps and creating deeper and better links to apps, in order to increase downloads. Another significant trend in search engine optimization is the indexing of social content.


Technology Developments Are Going To Affect SEO Strategy


The proliferation of digital assistants such as Siri and Cortana is set to change how search is done, this is because users are most likely to order searches through their digital assistants rather than type in keywords using keyboards. This is going to change SEO techniques because it has implications on the type of keywords that SEO technicians must optimize for, keywords used through Digital Assistants will be long tail keywords and are informal because they are spoken and not written keywords. This also means that content for SEO will have to take on a more conversational or informal tone.


Social media platforms have been moving towards a trend of aggregating news, there are advanced algorithms that allow computer systems to compile news articles based on older content, while Twitter is experimenting with a new platform that allows users to submit posts of live events. These developments reduce the value of news and PR articles, which is going to have an effect on how SEO consultants promote websites (or apps) will have to focus on writing more editorial, opinion based content rather than press release content.